Useful web links to other Masonic sites
Oakley Lodge cannot guarantee that web sites accessed via links on this page are either Masonic in nature or have been approved or endorsed by the United Grand Lodge of England. We specifically do not guarantee that other web sites accessible from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of, the United Grand Lodge of England. - The United Grand Lodge of England Website for the United Grand Lodge of England (Craft Freemasonry) - Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) - Website for the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) - The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) - Caring for older Freemasons and their dependants - History of Lodges in the Province of Hampshire and IoW - The History of Lodges in the Province of Hampshire & IoW - Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire & IoW Members Website - Members Website for Freemasonry in Hampshire - Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire & IoW Public Website - Public Website for Freemasonry in Hampshire - Oakley Lodge 694 Facebook Page
Other Lodges that meet at Basingstoke Masonic Centre
Basing Lodge 5500 meets 4th Thurs Oct, Nov. Jan-May & 3rd Thus Dec
Eveltham Lodge 4013 Meets 4th Tues Sep-Apr (except Dec)
Loddon Lodge 8223 – meets 2nd Thurs Oct – May
Vyne Lodge 7612 Meets 3rd Thurs Oct, Nov, Jan, Mar & May